Programming Notes
Software development is an inseparable part of LiveChat products and our team's daily work. Get coding insights and read interesting programming news from LiveChat developers perspective.
Krzysztof Górski in Developer Program, on 10 December, 2015
We have just published the C# library for the LiveChat API.
Krzysztof Górski in Developer Program, on 30 November, 2015
When looking at the history of LiveChat application one can easily notice that LiveChat desktop application for Windows took many shapes and forms over the years, but regardless of its features and appearance, two of its tasks are common for….
Grzegorz Wyszyński in Developer Program, on 23 January, 2015
Spoofing is a type of a computer attack in which the attacker pretends to be someone else.
Bartosz Olchówka in Developer Program, on 17 December, 2014
Setting cookies to subdomains can be very tricky.
Bartosz Olchówka in Developer Program, on 01 November, 2014
So you’re a keen programmer that one day faces a problem of validating user’s email address.
Bartosz Olchówka in Developer Program, on 20 October, 2014
Are JavaScript closures important? Perform the following test in your JavaScript app.
Bartosz Olchówka in Developer Program, on 04 August, 2014
One of the most annoying drawbacks of developing desktop and mobile apps is the inability to switch between dev and production environments.
Bartosz Olchówka in Developer Program, on 13 June, 2014
Minimizing failures - What developers can learn from roller coaster engineers I’ve found an interesting analysis of roller coaster’s safety systems in Theme Park Design: Behind The Scenes With An Engineer book by Steve Alcorn.
Bartosz Olchówka in Developer Program, on 27 March, 2014
The majority of today’s apps is web applications (i.
Grzegorz Wyszyński in Developer Program, on 24 March, 2014
Keeping the SSL connection up Reducing request times mode http - we had to use this option to be able to use http-specific rules forwardfor - this option adds a forwarder to the header You only needed to add the option to the first request that goes….